June 23, 2008

Fun at the Park

Friday my mom was babysitting my niece Kristie, so we all went to Tautphaus Park were there is a very small amusement rides. For 85 cents Tietjen can ride a train,which he loves.

I am riding the Train with Anna Belle... see Tietjen in his conductor hat... he was all geared up for this trip to the TRAIN!!!

Tietjen loved riding the Carousel going up and down on the horse... after about 3 times around.. than he wanted off and was done... he didnt like it anymore. (Anna Belle is sitting on Nana's lap)

Next to the trains is the airplanes.. he wanted to ride it..so here is is SCREAMING AND CRYING... this is only the first time coming around... the kid turned the ride off and we got him out... I was laughing so hard... because when he got out he said " Whew..." and that was it!!

Tietjen & Kristie go another round on the train.. this time as passangers and not the conductors!! We had lots of fun!! Thanks Mom for taking us!!

1 comment:

Cori said...

That looks like so much fun! We should met up there sometime (I'm sure Tietjen would be willing to ride with Q again. We miss you guys...sorry we've been out of touch, as soon as the play is over we will give you guys a call