September 15, 2008

Tietjen the Swinging Monkey Boy

Tietjen has gotten quite good at "swinging" on the bars beneath his bunkbed. At first he would just hang on them... lifting up his legs, then he began to pull him self up.. now he can pull himself through his legs.... we are so proud of our little monkey!!


Erin said...

that looks like fun!

PrincessKatie said...

How funny> It scares me to death when we are at playgrounds and hailey starts swinging on stuff liek taht. I worry about them falling. Thats so funny with his feet up in the air!

Drew and Michelle said...

Thats soooo COOL Mr. Tietjen! and practice makes perfect... What an awesome little gymnist he'll make.

Melissa said...

He is remarkable, and has cute PJs! I remember hanging upside down forever during recess competing to see who could hang the longest. It was always kids like him that could last longer than ought to be proud.

PS how is life wihtout the binkie these day? I was curious to see if she still wants it.