January 15, 2010

when mom is lazy

I am just now starting to feel better with the pregnancy, but I have been quite the lazy mom when it comes to a clean house and my kids eating in the kitchen......

Which lead to a couple of jam spots on the carpet, which needs total cleanning, hopefully this spring!!!
But the kids are having fun watching movies, eating lunch or popcorn or what ever I give for a snack!!!

Tietjen has become very very good at this VTech VMotion games..... here he is eating lunch and playing at the same time... sandwhich on the couch, juice and celery in one hand, other hand playing away!!!

Since, I let Tietjen eat lunch in the front room, I let Annie eat lunch watching Mickey Mouse (of course) on my bed!!

We just like taking easy somedays....

1 comment:

Mandy said...

So glad to hear you're feeling it better and taking it easy!! Umm if jam spots are bad, trust me, you don't want to take too close a look at my dining room floor. :) Miss you! xo