November 1, 2009

happy halloween

Here are the Kidd's...... Jeff was a skeleton (which Annie was a bit scared of at first)
Mickie brought back the 80's (in authentic 80's gear- was my mom's from then)
Anna Belle was a Princess (of course)
Tietjen decided to go with Mickey Mouse (our neighbor gave him the shirt that had lights on it and he has worn it for 3 days straight)

My cute pumkins!!

don't ya love the hotpink tights and pink leg warmers...

we had a hard time not being weired out when just sitting there talking with Jeff at my parents... he looks so creepy!!

The Princess.... just a beautiful as could be

my babe!!!!

catching Tietjen trying to get more candy from Nana Jill's bowl

Bapa giving in to the Princess and upwrapping a sucker for her!
We had lots of fun Trick or Treating.... Jeff has been sick this week and he acctually felt good yesterday.(to bad he is really sick this morning)
Tietjen caught the spirit of "trick or treatin" Jeff was RUNNING to keep up with him, as Tietjen went from House to House in our neighborhood.
Annie & I took longer because the Princess has her high heeled shoes one, which we changed half way through the street.
The kids made a killing on candy. Their containers are overflowing!!
Happy Halloween!!!


Paula said...

Love the costumes! I thought Jeff looked like he was a smiling skeleton. Sorry we misseed you when you were here! This month has been CRAZY!

Erin said...

looks like you had a fun halloween. we missed seeing you while you were here.

Mandy said...

So cute!!! Love the costumes. Happy Halloween!