November 23, 2009

SNOW !!!!

Yesterday we got SNOW
Tietjen is sosooooooo Happy!!! He played a little in last night at my parents. My dad was out shoveling. First thing this morning he wanted his snow stuff on.
(It is only about 8:30 am in this picture)
He is showing me the icicles he was eating!!

He is so excited to throw snow!!!
YAHHHH!! For Snow!!!!

(I know only a few people are excited to have it)

UPdate on the curlers in Annie's hair - It really didn't work. I think they fell out in the night. But, it was good trial run. We will be trying again some time!!!


Erin said...

fun! parker wanted so bad to go out & make a snowman when it snowed last week, but there just wasn't enough snow yet.

too bad about the mom would put my hair in a pony tail & then put the rollers in my hair...don't know if annie's is long enough yet to do that, but it's an idea :)

Cori said...

So glad I am in Phoenix where the low today was like 75!