December 28, 2007

Christmas Morning

We celebrated Christmas at Jeff's mom Colleen and stepdad Dennis's home this year. They were excited to celebrate with us also. Tietjen loved all the attention and the opening of gifts. He kept asking "One more?" meaning, can he open another present. On Christmas Eve, we hung our stocking on their mantel and explained to Tietjen that Santa Clause would come tonight while he was a sleep, come down the chimney, and put presents in his stockings. He kept telling us that Santa comes down the chimney. We enjoyed our vacation and Christmas in Utah this year.

Tietjen received many things.. some there are no pictures of , just the video camera.. from Santa he received Henry and Dennis from the Thomas the Train collection and a Tonka Dumpstuck, that Grandpa Awsumb wants also!!

Anna Belle received many different dolls and stuffed animals and fun learning toys!! This was her FIRST CHRISTMAS and she is now 8 months old (on the 29th) . She is getting so big and crawls everywhere.

The Christmas Story

Tietjen's first time as a time no sticks!!!

During the "Play" I also recored on the video camera... at the end of this stick thing.. Tietjen took off the shepard stuff and ran around more.. What a cutie!!

December 14, 2007

Annie Crawls

We are so excited that Anna Belle is trying to crawl... we just wish she was doing it a normal way. She started out by arching her back and pushing up with her feet to move around. We having been working with her to make her crawl on her tummy side down, not up!!!
Arch the back crawl

On my hands and knees crawl

My push up crawl

December 10, 2007


Tietjen loves the snow and every day looks out to see if it has fallen. When it does, he gets his boots and wants to play... this past Saturday it snowed long enough to let him enjoy a chill play time. He also looks just like the little brother on "Christmas Story" (Jeff's favorite show)

Bath Time

Tietjen and Anna Belle enjoy a bath with cool hairdo's thanks to mommy!!!

November 25, 2007

Christmas Outfits

New Christmas Outfits
Anna Belle is the beauty at the Ball

Tietjen is so dashing and handsome

New Christmas Outfits from their
Gradparents Tietjen (Nana & Bapa)
Don't they look so CUTE!!

October 31, 2007

Halloween Night

Here we are on Halloween
Jeff is dressed as an "undercover agent"
Tietjen is a Train Conductor with "Henry" the Train (Thomas the Train)
Anna Belle is "Little Orphan Annie"
Mickie Ann is a witch

Little Orphan Annie looking for Daddy Worbucks

(we are too)

Tietjen & Henry

October 30, 2007

Halloween Pumkins

Halloween 2007

We purchased two pumkins this year for Tietjen and Jeff. Jeff loves to carve pumkins, one year he carved like 4 of them. This year he choose a bell tower with bats and for Tietjen we choose "Thomas the Train" (surprise surprise)

October 28, 2007

We are the Kidds


We finnaly have joined the band wagon and created a blog...Here it is, Enjoy!!

A quick version of us and until now:

This is Jeff & Mickie on our

Wedding Day, June 12, 2003

Mickie Pregnant, Jeff being....himself

Summer 2005

Tietjen's first trip to Bear Lake

Tietjen is 4 months old

Fall of 2005

Look at that smile

Anna Belle

Joined our Family

April 29th, 2007