May 29, 2008
Our California Friends!!
Tietjen's Utah Trip - Memorial Day Weekend
He had all the older cousins playing in the dirt with his trains.
Thanks Tanner, Thomas, Jacob & Taylor (she is hiding behind Jacob) Tietjen really enjoyed playing with you all..
Thank you Maddison for being such a good and fun Cousin and watching him for us!!!
Happy Birthday Anna Belle
Anna Belle & Daddy with her pink cupcake and pink icing... "Daddy I want it"
Anna Belle's Cake in Utah - THANK YOU Grandma Awsumb!!!
Annie enjoying her cake with Tietjen and her cousin Hailey!!
May 18, 2008
Jeff's Hard Work
This was a apple tree that fell down before we had the house.. we finally got the stump out. Jeff
dug it out with just the shovel.. well he broke the first one, we had to go buy a new one then.. Tietjen is standing in the hole about chest level on him...
This is the Pine tree that we cut down last spring.. we rented the stump grinder and after 2 1/2 hours we got it down to ground level.. Tietjen loved the sawdust (with his trains)
May 7, 2008
Tietjen Rides a BIKE
Yesterday, we spent the day at my sister Kimberly's home in Pocatello. They have a bike with training wheels and Tietjen wanted to try riding it. He did so good as you will see in the video. He did have to shift his weight to reach the pedel on the down push. He is getting to be such a big boy. I guess we know what his next birthday present will be.... ENJOY!!