February 25, 2008


Here is my info from being tagged. Since I have some free time for a bit...

20 years ago - 1988
I had just turned 9 years old (bday-Feb12). We had been living in Idaho Falls for 6 months after moving from Seatle Washington area. I was in 3rd grade.

10 years ago - 1999
I was 19 years old, a gratuate from highshoocl for a whole year.. working until that fall to atend Ricks College which I grated in 2000 with an Asociates Degree in Office Sytems Management.

5 years ago- 2003
I was 24 years old. I was engaged to the most wonderful, sexy, kind, loving, funny man I had ever met. We were married that June (5 year anv June 12, 2008). I was looking for a full time job and preparing for our wedding. Oh, and I had been home from my mission to Guatelma for about 6 months.

1 year ago - 2007
I was about 6 months pregnant- sick all the time and slept most of the day away, since I didnt sleep well at night.

This year so far..... I have potty trained Tietjen... Anna Belle has learned to walk... Jeff goes to school 4 nights a week and I dont see him until 9:30 pm (leaves at 8:30 am for work) I had my 29th birthday.

Yesterday - was Sunday.. went to church... the choir sang during Sacrament Meeting ( I am in the choir) and I gave the closing prayer. Tietjen was mostly reverent during church and it snowed again - UGH!! Annie who is walking.. fell and gave herslef a huge bruise and cut on her cheek.

Today - I babysat my neighbors kids for 2 hours.. Tietjen, Annie, & I ate lunch... Tietjen is in his room for "quite time" which leads to his nap and Anna Belle is looking for me.

Tonight - wait for Jeff to come home - he gets to eat dinners with us Mondays & Wednesdays - which we love to see him , even though it is only for about 45 mins..

Tomorow - same ol' same ol' -except Jeff doesn't come home for dinner - goes strait to school, comes home at about 9:20 pm. We cant wait for the weekend to spend time with Jeff.

This year - We are paying off our van with Tax Returns.. more money to spend each month now. I am planning on buying a bike trailor to tote these two kids around this summer. Save on gas and get me some more extercise. - my GOAL to eat less sugar and chocolate - I love them much!!

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