Okay... there are some updates.....
Has a new job/INTERNSHIP that is starting. He was hand picked and recommened by some of his professors, for this opportunity. He will be working at a place called "Skyline Labratory" where employees from the INL (Idaho National Labratory) - (its a big Goverment Nuculear/Chemical Enginneering place out in the deseret west of Idaho Falls - tons & tons of people from Idaho Falls works there - It's HUGE) So, he will be in this Lab, that is out by our Airport (I know - Idaho Falls, has an Airport - yes we do) And will be doing his ENGINEERING thing!!! He is getting paid. We are very very very excited!!!
we have changed to a different Speach Therapist. His therapist, that works at his preschool, recommended it. She is a Pediatric Patholigist that works in the Medical Offices at the Hospital. We have only been once, but she was AMAZING!! She was also very very very impressed with Tietjen. Usually there are other problems children has when it comes to speach, such as listening & understanding, language skills, following directions.... he has none of that. And because he is is father's son - he was making her laugh - just like Jeff does, always a cute sense of humor. She was impressed how smart and how he tired to figure things out (sciencific - was the word she used) His problem is his TONGUE & Jaw.... they don't work the right way - his moves it only up and down - not around, grinding like, when he chews his food. It is stemming from is shoulder posture and why he can't sit in one position for a long time. They want to really work on it through the summer, so that he is ALL ready for Kindergarden and no obsiticles in learning.
Well, other than she is a beautiful as ever and the Princess of our home. She is doing great. She is excited for her birthday... she has been talking about it ever since Jeff's bday in Dec. She can hardly wait. She is LOVING - this month of February and Valentines day - EVERYTHING has Hearts on it... she loves hearts!!
Is 19 weeks as of yesterday. Next week on Thruday the 11th (Grandpa Thomas' bday, and the day before mine) We will be finding out what sex our baby is!! Everyone is hoping for a boy, except Annie. We will be happy with what ever the baby is!!
That is the lastest update on our little family.
Lots of Love to everyone!!