February 7, 2010

...pregnancy disasters...

We have had a few "disasters" on the days when I am not feeling so good....
Annie is potty trained, and does very well.... but.... she got to interested in a cartoon, and didn't make it to the bathroom in time.... leaving a trail behind .....

The towels are her trail that I covered up... we are getting our carpet cleaned now... no way I can get down and scrub the carpet...

What happens when Mom doesn't feel good, and is sleeping in, and the kids are hungry.......
Pop Cereal all over the floor
Tietjen told me that Anna Belle was trying to build a Tower.
(She loves towers like on a Princess Castle)
Well, I cried, took pictures, and cried some more....
Just another adventure in the Kidd home....


Erin said...

wow! i was pretty lucky i guess. the last two weeks of my pregancy with liam i just slept on the couch while parker watched cartoons, pretty much the entire day. he would wake me up when he got hungry or needed me to change the channel. he was really good at entertaining himself.

hope you start feeling better! :)

Cori said...

Oh man do I know the feeling! You know what...it doesn't matter! Someday your house will be clean again and there will be no beautiful children filling it with messes and their joy...it will be sad and you will looks at these pictures and giggle!

I sure miss you guys!

PrincessKatie said...

I am so jelaous. I wish I had a reason to sleep nad have a dirty house., Oh how i would give the world to be pregnant...Enjoy it for me k?