October 5, 2008

Musical Geniuses

Anna Belle LOVES to play the piano... in fact I have not sat down to play for at least 6 months because if I do she has to ALSO. Which then no practicing gets done. Now.... at 18 months old (end of this month - ya nursery!!!) She likes to sit at the piano by herself with no mommy and play. I pull the bench out just enought that she can get on and off by herself.

This time Tietjen wanted to show off his musical talents.... with his head & feet!

I really don't know where he picks these things up???? Must be from his dad!


The Kidd Family said...

Annie looks so cute, shes getting so big. Teitjen you are a silly boy.

Erin said...

annie looks so grown up. tietjen is such a boy! haha.