May 11, 2010

Jeff's Grades

Jeff worked so hard this semester and really enjoyed his classes. Today his grades were finally posted.

Engineering Hydrology = A-
Fluid Mechanics = B
Water & Waste Water Quality = B+
Basic Geotechnics = A
Intro to Electricial Circuits = B+
Engr Econ & Management = A

His over all GPA right now is about a 3.5

We are VERY happy to have this semester OVER and to have him home with us this summer. He will be working part time for the Engineering Labratory that he did this past summer, and for my parents at the Trophy Store.

His plans are to build a play house for the kids, finish the fence around the yard, take Tietjen camping & fishing, play with the kids, and wait for our little Aiden Justice to come!!

I love you Jeffrey!!

1 comment:

Aunt Gayle said...

Way to go Jeff we are very proud of you and love you lots. Love Mema and Grandpa