August 18, 2009

Final Vacation for final days of summer....

To celebrate summer, we spent yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday) at Bear Lake.

Originaly we were to stay tonight also, but.... we had a feeling we needed to end the trip today.
We played last night & this morning in the water. It was only in the 70's so not very warm. I was cold in the night, Annie woke up at 5 am, and Jeff ended up with a MAJOR sunburn.

We are so happy to be home!!

We love Bear Lake, I have been going my whole life, as my mother before me!!!

The Tent is UP and we are getting ready to head down to the beach, Mondy afternoon.
Annie loved the water!!!

The water was up from recent year... not so far to walk!

* My favorite picture - my boys *

Annie enjoying the sun & sand

Jeff & Tietjen... building the "Teeki"
(Jeff built one last year, Tietjen with his sharp memory, wanted to build one this year...)

Teeki Beach

Playing around

Family picture - with out the kids looking - like always

Take 2 - owell -

This rock is very special to our family, my mom remembers going here, with her father Kenneth Cooley, as a child. (my Grandpa Cooley died when my mom was 12 years old)
So, every year we went growing up, we went and took pictures... now, we do the same. Traditions are hard to break in my family.... Thanks Grandpa Cooley for starting a very good one of "Bear Lake"

1 comment:

The Harding Family said...

How Fun! I just love camping! Nice tent! But was the tent warm or cold? Did the wind blow? I wish we could go camping but every weekend in Wyoming is wet and raining. So summer is over for us!