September 7, 2009

last day off till Thanksgiving....

This weekend of Labor Day.... we spent with Jeff and family....

We had fun just hanging out with him & enjoying time before the rage of school starts and we don't see him again till Thanksgiving Break!!

Saturday, we celebrated my niece Addison's first birthday (acctual bday is Sept 19th) You do want you can do to get family together!!!
We had lots of fun trying to get all the grandkids together - as you can see Tietjen is missing... he got mad because he want to sit on a specific chair... he is in the time out corner while the picture is being taken!!

Sunday night, we put our BIG wall tent up, to make sure it was all clean for winter, and to have one last CAMP OUT!!!

Monday we spent painting.... while the kids played in the tent & watched movies (we took out our little tv/vcr and watched movies)

My blue wall is gone !!!
It is so nice, weird, but so nice.
I am going to rearrange the room, so when it is all put together, I will post about!!
That was our weekend!!
The best part was just being with Jeff!!

(Tietjen the monkey boy)
We were putting the tent away!


Mandy said...

Fun day!! That tent looks AMAZING!! Where on earth did you get it? The only time I've ever seen anything like that was on that one Gilmore Girls when Rory goes to her first Life and Death Brigade (is that what it's called? I haven't watched our GG in FOREVER!) shin dig. So fun. I love all of the home improvement you guys are always doing. Your house is so cute and so are your kids and so are you. Let's hang out. xo

Paula said...

Looks like fun! Dang summer went fast! Hope we see you guys soon! Halloween??? Is that when you will be here?