August 20, 2008

Jeff & Tietjen on local News

A couple weeks ago, Jeff & Tietjen were on our local news. They went to support a 83 year old basket ball player that Jeff has played with before. You have to look closely as the video to see Tietjen & Jeff. Tietjen is in a blue stripped shirt and Jeff is in his orange with white stripped shirt.

When "Beem" (our sports announcer) is first talking in the church gym, showing the crowd behind him and 'K' you can see Jeff holding up a large yellowish sign and Tietjen is to the right. Little blonde boy, blue shirt. (Right between them both) . Then at one point the camera is close to the audience and scanns across the stage and you can see Jeff holding the sign.

You might have to watch it a few times to catch them both. ENJOY... just click on the link below and it will take you to the video.


Melissa said...

We need to set him up with my grandma! She still mows her lawn, he still play is seriously perfect!

The Kidd Family said...

Thats pretty cool. The funny thing is I can here Jeff over all those other people. lol