August 12, 2008

Pool Time

This past Saturday, we attended our Ward Picnic. Which we had swimming at the local pool and then a huge Fried Chicken Picnic. I only took some pictures of us swimming.

Anna Belle loves the water and liked playing in it, untill there were lots of people than she wanted out.
Tietjen has a harder time getting into the pool to play, until his friends from the ward arrive and then he is playing really good in the water for about an hour, than he fell and went under. He was done after that.
Tietjen didn't really like to be pickup and swung around by Jeff in the pool. He is a bit scared of the water. We had lots of fun though.

1 comment:

Erin said...

looks like you guys have had a lot of fun activities lately. parker doesn't like to be picked up & swing around the water either.