December 5, 2008


I am amazed at the thirst of knowledge and understanding little kids go through. Tietjen loves Star Wars and plays with our Lego's (Jeff has Star Wars sets). I have a Harry Potter set and he asked me one day why two of the Lego guys have two faces.... I explained that they are Harry Potter and they drank Polijuice Potion which made them look like some other boys. .....

Than for Halloween Tietjen's cousin Hailey gave them some glasses with funky eyes (There is a picture of Annie earlier last month, she was wearing them)

One of the eyes poped out and so I took the other one out. Tietjen put them on and I said "oh, you look like Harry POtter" He has been wearing them ever since. Yesterday I let him watch a couple of scences from the 1st Harry Potter movie. He also likes to look at the Lego insert that shows a bunch of Lego Scenes of the first two movies. What can I say..... He is a silly but smart boy!

I had to sneak these pictures, he doesn't want me to take his picture!!
He was eating his breakfast... boiled eggs (he loves them)!!

Tietjen also picked the new background.. he wanted the one with Santa


Melissa said...

Funny! Next he'll want to read Twilight!

The Kidd Family said...

These kids are to smart nowadays. You look super cute in those glasses Teitjen.

Mandy said...

cuuute!! for christmas i'm sending Tietjen a wand and a red-headed best friend.