February 4, 2009

more hurts for Annie

After a eventful day yesterday.... we continue to day with being check into the hosptial for Dental work done. Anna Belle had 4 cavities that was taken take of today. When she started comming out of her medicine that druged her up; first she cried and wanted me to hold her.... than she was MAD at me and tried to hit, scratch, & bite me. The nurse ended up having to close the door because of Annie screaming at us ( the nurse & I) !! Sorry my little baby. Her mouth will hurt for the next little bit today!! I love you!


Erin said...

poor thing! how on earth did she have so many cavities?

Mickie Ann said...

I have no idea why my kids have so many cavities... Tietjen has had 7 filled and now Annie has 4!! I am thinking something genetic. Because we brush EVERY DAY!!!! Also I am blamming Fruit Snacks, they sit on their teeth because they are so sticky and gummy!!! Eats at their teeth.

Cori said...

Wow that is a lot for such a little girl. How do you know you need to take them to the dentist? Who is your dentist? Should I be taking my kid to get a check-up? hum....