September 10, 2008

crying crying and more crying...NO MORE BINKIE

It is almost 9 pm tonight and I am sitting here, trying ignore Anna Belle crying. Not that I don't love my daughter with all of my heart.. but we are trying to take her off the binkie. I have cut two of her binkies and she was mad and I wont give in. We have jammed the door shut so she can't get out. I hate this part of growing up. I love my little girl and I can hear her crying out to me "mama! mama! mama!" I have to be strong. We also always seem to do this when they are no longer in a crib so they can get to the door. oh-well ... we do our best as parents. That's all we can do.!! --- Anna Belle I do love you.. I am sorry for this.


Melissa said...

I totally know that feeling. I lost Teagan's binkie so this mornings nap was terrible. It really is bad, luckily I got to wal mart before bedtime! You still are an awesome mom, just vacuum the house so you can't hear her crying. (that's what my mom taught me)

Erin said...

poor little annie. when we took parker's 'binkby' away he would walk around mumbling 'binkby....binkby'. it was so sad, but as you know, they eventually get over it & then it's so worth it.