September 3, 2008

Tietjen has recently become OBSESSED with Star Wars.
McDonalds' happy meal toy goes along with the new "Clone Wars" animation that has come out.
When my mom took us there, he received a Chewbaca bobble head on the AT-AT (I think that is what it is called... I am sure Jeff will correct me on it)
Jeff than told Tietjen that he had Star Wars toys.... which lead to a week of Tietjen asking to play with them. So, this past Friday night Jeff pulled them out. Tietjen has not stopped playing with them since. ALSO.... he wanted to watch the movies. He has seen all 3 of the orignal movies.. Episode 4-6. He watch them all this past weekend. And LOVES THEM!! There are some parts that are not as interesting as others for him... but he watches them.

Here is Tietjen playing with some, remind you SOME of Jeff's action figures.... there is still a BIG box of them that he can't play with. (Jeff loves that he wants to play with something that Jeff likes too)

Tietjen is also gets the Lego Magazine (it's free) and this month's came yesterday. The front cover was you guessed it STAR WARS CLONE WARS.... wow what an easy obsession... WE SPENT NOTHING!! I love it.

Tietjen also has been learning what the names of each character are... these are a few of my favorites of how HE says them...


BubbleGum (Boba Fet)

Oda (Yoda)

Tietjen... may the force be with you!


Julie Peterson said...

That is so fun! I just sent my son his old Batmobile, Bat guys and ninja turtles! The smiles make storing toys all these years worth it!

Erin said...

that is so fun. parker has recently gotten into superheroes, which of course guy loves! it's so cute to see the big boys sharing their toys with the little boys. :)

Mandy said...

oh my goodness! that is the funniest and cutest thing i have ever seen. as far as obsessions go, it's a good one. and, hey! maybe he will move on from trains and start carrying a light saber!

PrincessKatie said...

How cute. hailey has been mad everytime we got to McDoanls cause she wants teh "barbie" aka polly pocket toys still. Too bad they replaced them with star wars HA HA glad he is enjoying it though.