September 28, 2008

Sleep Update

Okay... so it has been like 2 or 3 weeks since I wrote about how Anna Belle has not been sleeping well. There was alot of advice given to me from friends and we came up with a few things to try and help her.

We are BINKIE free... I was strong and I never gave it to her. Her blanket that is her "woopie" (for those that have seen "Mr. Mom") I only let her have at nap or bedtime. I don't let her drag it around like Linus. Which saves on my washing it every week.

Not every night is perfect with her sleeping all they way through. But it has gotten better and only about every other or so is a wakeful night. And I have to force her into naps sometimes... keeping her door jammed so she can't get out. She cries and then after 10-20 minutes it stops and I find that she has crawled back into her bed and is fast asleep.

Overall things are better. I am still praying every day and night for her sleeping better. I have tried to read my scriptures more and rember that I will only receive blessings if I am doing my part of obeying and putting forth my effort in prayer and studing the scriptures.

I love my little girl and I am trying to just enjoy the time I am with up with her at 3 am!!!

1 comment:

JaNan Brown said...

Glad to hear things are better. Missed you at church today. Heard about your hubby. Hope everything is okay. Let me know if I can do anything to help. JaNan